July 26, 2024

Did You Read Ahead, Too?

You know, when the teacher was having students read aloud in class – did you skip ahead to your section and pre-read it before you had to read it aloud? Ha! I know I did. I didn’t want to mess up. How about you? We […]

Grocery Store Love

White sand beaches – where does the sand come from? I answer that for you today. You might look at beaches differently after this #TheMoreYouKnow. Plus, Ellie has a really cool grocery store story that you’ve got to hear. Paisley’s birthday is tomorrow. Alex is […]

A Bum Bag?

Wait a second… is that a….no…..not again…..no! Yep, unfortunately it’s coming back, and demand seems pretty high. We’ll talk about those styles that just won’t stay away and be done already. The bum bag is one of them, though you probably know it as something […]

What’s The Craziest Thing You’ve Seen At Church?

Welcome to Monday. Did you have a good weekend? How was Church yesterday? I wonder, have you ever seen something crazy, or awesome, or powerful at Church? Let me know, through Messenger on our Facebook Page. I asked that question today and got some amazing […]

Mercy To The Max

The amazing story of how one family is willing to forgive a man, whose heinous crime took their loved one out of this world, will rock your world. You’ll hear from the family and the accused on the decision to potentially keep him out of […]

What Are Your Rules?

The longer we live, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we should share. So, with that in mind, what is a rule you live by that makes life better? I ask that question on today’s episode. And, you can respond on […]

Just Doing The Right Thing

That’s all he was doing, the right thing. He wasn’t looking for accolades or a pat on the back. But, he was being the change in the world he wants to see. And, it got noticed. Now, it’s a national news story. Hear how 1 […]

“I’m Sorry, Tiger” LOL

What’s 1 thing that can steal your joy in a heartbeat? Comparison. But, that’s not the only thing. I’ll talk about that “perfect” garment that you keep in your closet to use as “motivation” to slim down. And, my daughter thought Tiger’s Blood Shaved Ice […]

An Immediate Pick-Me-Up

A group of elementary school students put together a resource to help you feel better. It is the cutest thing you will ever hear. I’ll tell you how to take advantage of it. Plus, a couple of our artists are getting national airplay on the […]

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