May 3, 2024

A State Trooper Angel

RSV is the reason why Derrick was driving close to 100mph. He knew he might get pulled over. And, in this situation, it was the best thing that could have happened. Hear the whole story on today’s episode. Plus, learn about a local legend around […]

Funny Food Names

Nature Beans – what are they? You’ll laugh at the answer. Plus, are there any alternative names you call certain foods? Let me know at We’ve got a few listener answers to share, too. And, are you at your wit’s end trying to figure […]

Tattle Tales, Hungry Kids, & Nap-Trapped Mamas

“Mom, he’s looking at me,” is a great example of a wasted tattle. We’ve all learned that lesson as children. But, what do you do as a parent with teenagers who have friends posting questionable content on social media? Do you tattle on their friends […]

How Did They Come Up With That?

Trail Mix – a delicious mixture of a bunch of ingredients, but who invented it? Our friend Brad Upton offers us an explanation. It might just make you laugh. Plus, when the 2 year old gets super quiet, is there cause for concern? You better […]

Why Ladies Dress The Way They Do

It isn’t scandalous. It’s the truth. There are many reasons why any lady wears the clothes she wears on any given day. With Lainey Molnar’s help, we’re talking about that truth this morning (And, I might have gotten into some hot water with my wife […]

An 8-Year-Old Hero

“Without a doubt, I know it was a miracle,” words from a very thankful dad, whose 8 year old saved his life. You’ve got to hear this story! Plus, the hardest battles are the ones fought between our ears. I’ve got some tips on how […]

What Are You Focused On?

The answer to that one question will significantly impact your day, from your mood to your relationships. I’ve got a couple tips for you, on how to shift focus when needed, and what to focus on to be happier. Plus, what kind of reaction do […]

Dumpster Diving For Vegetables?

Well, the vegetables were just a sign that the real treasure was near. Hear how a desperate husband likely saved his marriage, or at the very least kept himself out of the doghouse, with a little help. And, is your little one your mini-me? Thoughts […]


Some rules are simply non-negotiable. What are they at your house? I’ve got a few answers from some amazing listeners today, and I’d like to know yours. Email me at Plus, we get a little coaching session from Coach Chris Hogan on how to […]

Celebrate The Victories, Even With A Stranger

God gives us some amazing encounters with complete strangers , from time-to-time. And, they stick in our minds. Suddenly you find yourself with a story to tell & maybe a new friend. You’ve got to hear about Bryan’s gas station encounter from the Thanksgiving break! […]

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