February 18, 2025

Stepping Up

Today’s all about stepping up to meet life as it comes at you. I’ve got an amazing story for you about the Guy family and some really awesome students who stepped up to help take care of them. Plus, you’ll hear from 1 mom who […]

What Do You Have?

Sometimes we feel so insignificant – like we bring so little to the table. But, I’ve got good news! Little is much when God is in it. Brian Trent from TikTok is going to help us understand that a little better. And, when you feel […]

Dealing With Change

It seems like once you get used to something being a certain way, it changes. Just walk into your favorite grocery store looking for 1 specific thing after a shelf reset, & you’ll find yourself quickly frustrated! We’ve got some advice on how to handle […]

Moving Forward

There’s a lot of junk in our past that will paralyze us on our journey home, if we let it. But, we have to move forward, keep our focus, and watch God work in our lives. I’ve got a show full of stories to help […]

The Days of Our Lives

“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives…” it may have been a soap opera openner, but it speaks such truth. We have enormous opportunity to impact the world around us, and as our lives are spent, we get to see […]

Imminent Danger & Quick Decisions

One couple took to the skies. He knew what was going to happen, but she didn’t have a clue. You’ve got to hear what happend – it will get your heart rate up and warm it at the same time. Plus, how do you make […]

I Resemble That Remark

Sometimes, something is so relatable it hurts! I’ll share one of those somethings from my life with you today. Plus, what’s the difference between condition and position when it comes to your faith? Get ready for an explanation that will knock your socks off by […]

God’s Still Up To Something: Your Stories

If you listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit, your day can get pretty interesting. Lizeth Lopez shares her story with us that is sure to encourage you. Plus, David felt the hand of God in his situation – stalled in the middle of […]

Kindness & Helpfulness: The Keys to the Human Heart

How kind are you to others? Okay… now, how kind are you to yourself? We’ve got a little food for thought on that topic today, with some help from actor Jason Alexander. Plus, there are opportunites all around you everyday to be a blessing. We’ll […]

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