February 18, 2025

Deeper Than You Know

Sometimes the smallest things can make or break our day. Similarly, 1 action in a life full of experiences can hold you prisoner for years. We’re talking about not letting that happen today. We’re talking about moving from our past and heading toward a much […]


Things are happening all around us all the time, and the ordinary, repetitive things often get taken for granted. What if we took the time to truly value all the little things that bring value to our life? What would happen if we pause and, […]

Prayer or Confrontation?

“For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” That’s the scripture to remember when you’re so mad and fed up and ready to give somebody a piece of your mind. Oh, we all make it to that place – even pastors! You’ll hear from 1 […]

Doing It For Him

One young man was going through the toughest time of his life during his High School graduation. And, as the Valedictorian, it was his job to give a speech. He did it for him. You’ve got to hear this story. It’s an amazing story of […]

I Have To, OR I Get To?

Wow, what power one word has to change a phrase! The feeling changes. The expectations change. So much is accomplished by 1 word. Let’s talk about it. Plus, Alabama is a great place to live. Don’t just take my word for it. Katie (who shall […]

What Would You Do?

“What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike Bar?” Do you remember that little jingle? Are you still, or were you ever really, crazy about that chocolate covered icecream? What’s that thing that you would do a lot for today? Email me at steven@885jfm.com. I would […]

Get To Know You Better

I heard a line years ago that’s kinda funny. See what you think: “I’ve gone to find myself. If I come back before I return, please keep me here.” It’s a weird idea, finding yourself, right? So, how can you get to know yourself better? […]


It might sound childish, but you need to sing it today. Here are the lyrics: “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” See, we learned from a young age to let our light shine. Why? We talk about that today, with a […]

Gratitude Leads To Riches That Money Can’t Buy

Today, we are grateful. We’re grateful for a God who saves, a salvation that doesn’t let you slip through the cracks, a community that stregthens and supports us, and the ability to enjoy it all together. I’m grateful for pizza too. And, you will be […]

A Bacon Double Cheeseburger Salad, Please?

This life is short enough. So, it makes sense to try to take better care of your body. That’s a journey I find myself on these days. How about you? Exercising and eating healthy aren’t easy. Sometimes I do little things to make myself feel […]

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