When you see the word recovery, what do you automatically think of? Is it a memory of a time when you got back something you thought you’d lost forever? Is the first thing you think of another word, say, “addiction?” It means different things to different people. But, my guests today say that we are all living in recovery in some way. You’ve got to hear their interview. Also, I bet you’ve never looked at a storm as a good thing before. Well, you will after this episode. So, give it a listen. And, if you like what you hear, please share it with a friend. Thanks. You could also subscribe for free on Apple Podcast, here:
https://podcasts.apple.com/ua/podcast/lifeline-morning-show-podcast/id1422855283 or Google Podcast, here:
https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly84ODVqZm0uY29tL2ZlZWQ Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here: https://streamdb8web.securenetsystems.net/cirruscontent/WJIA
Thanks! P.S. Would you mind helping us get the word out about the Recovery Rally? Here’s the link to today’s interview on Facebook Live:https://www.facebook.com/stayfreehome/photos/a.113840680249964/505539621080066/ Thanks.