July 26, 2024

Decebmer 18th – Christmas Card Wish, Coming Together & Electric Eel Christmas Tree?

There’s a saying when it comes to business… it’s a dog eat dog world out there, meaning therer is so much competition. But, not everybody abides by that rule. We’ll tell you about a generous lady helping her competitor, for a really good reason. And, who knew that Christmas trees could be powered by electric eels? Well, that’s not exactly how it works. But, we’ll share the story of Miguel Watts, the electric eel making headlines at the Tennessee aquarium. We ask you about your favorite prank call on our Tell Us Something Good Contest on Facebook & Instagram, for your chance to win some free food from Chick-fil-A. And, there’s even an opportunity for you to make terminally ill man’s Christmas better by sending him a card – Gene Weittenhiller, 410 20th Street, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin 53578.Thanks for listening!

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