September 19, 2024

Found, At Last!

We pay thousands of dollars for an education, but sometimes we learn the most from our pets. You’ve got to hear the advice 1 therapist shares that she learned from her pooch. It will make so much sense & might help your relationships. Plus, they married as high school sweethearts. Now, some 38 years later, an item was found that is bringing the spark back to their relationship. You’ve got to hear this. And, there’s a whole lot more all wrapped up in today’s episode. So, click play, give it a listen, and see what you think. If you like what you hear, please subscribe & share it with a friend. Thanks! You can subscribe to the podcast for free on Apple Podcast, here: or Google Podcast, here: Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here:

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