Transitions can be tough, especially in parenting. Don’t get me wrong, the payoff is amazing – like when your child grows old enough to finish the transition from wearing diapers to big kid underwear. But, the process can be tricky (and really messy). So, let’s talk about the transitions our kids make from the backseat to the front passenger seat, and then ultimately to behind the wheel. We’ll get some help from Jaime & Linda – two moms who are experiencing them. Plus, we like to shorten things here in the south. You’d be amazed at how short you can get them. We’ll have some fun with it. And, do you have a friend/family member/acquaintance that chases rabbits or squirrels while they try to tell you a story? Let’s talk about it. Just click play, and we’ll get started. P.S. If you could use a little company Monday thru Friday from 6am-10am Central, and you want to come hang out with us live, here’s the link for that:
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