September 15, 2024

It Came Back

When you apply the priniciples, they make a huge impact. Ms. Linda is living proof. She’s been pouring into her community, volunteering and helping the homeless and others in need. Little did she know that the community she’s been loving on for so many years would stand up and help her through a really tough time. You’ve got to hear this story. Plus, Ashley sent applications to all 8 Ivy League Schools. How many do you think accepted her? It will blow your mind! And, there’s more on today’s episode. So, give it a listen. And if you like what you hear, please share it with someone today. Thanks. You could also subscribe for free on Apple Podcast, here: or Google Podcast, here: Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here:
Thanks! Also, we have just added a new social media account on TikTok. You can find it here:

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