Do you have a son in your life that you really like? They don’t have to be biological. They could be your son-in-law or like a son to you. We want to know about them. The question is up on Facebook. Drop a comment there about him and you could win some free food from Guntersville Chick-fil-A. We talk about your answers on the show & take listener calls. It’s national Sons Day. Also, God has a way of orchestrating things just so the right person is in the right place at just the right time to really have an impact on somebody. We’ve got a story about just that from a lady who stopped to get gas. You’ll want to hear this story. And, why aren’t there changing tables in the mens room? We talk about that & so much more on today’s show. Thanks for checking it out. If you like what you hear, please subscribe on Apple or Google Podcast. Thank you! Have a great day!