July 27, 2024

November 21st – Your Favorite Cook, A Happy Ending/Beginning & Filling a Need at 9 Years Old

On today’s episode, we ask you who your favorite cook is & what’s their famous dish for your chance to win some free food from Guntersville Chick-fil-A. That’s our Tell Us Something Good contest today on Facebook & Instagram (go do it). We talk about your answers. Also, we bring you a happy ending to a battle with breast cancer that is also the beginning of a brand new chapter. And, little Alex is only 9, but she has a huge heart. We tell you how she’s filling needs in her community. And, there’s so much more in here – like Steven pre-booking his reservations to see Frozen 2 (he may be more excited about it than his almost 5-year-old daughter), the Butterball Hotline, Non-Partisan Uno & more. Check it out. And, if you like it, pease subscribe on Apple Podcast or Google Play. Have a great day!

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