September 19, 2024

Teacher Notes

They’ve come a long way over the years, the methods of communication we use with our children’s teachers. And, whether it’s by phone, hand-written note, text, or message, it’s good to stay in contact. But, you hate getting a message like this. You’ve got to hear it! And, with gas prices expected to hit $6 this Summer, are you looking at alternatives? I’ve got a bit of a checklist for looking for the right used electric vehicle. And, of course, there was a lot of love shared on the show during the Car-Line Competiton. So, why don’t you give it a listen and see what you think? And if you like what you hear, please share it with someone today. Thanks. You could also subscribe for free on Apple Podcast, here: or Google Podcast, here: Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here:
Thanks! Also, we have just added a new social media account on TikTok. You can find it here:

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