July 26, 2024

Watch & Listen

So much of this life can be figured out by watching and listening to the things and people around you. Being observant is always a good thing. There’s something that can also be said about being vocal and letting people know what’s going on. That’s where we pick up Lucy’s story. She’s 15, starting at a new school, and she’s different. Her mom took to social media, to hopefully smooth out any potential rough spots. And, it worked! You’ll love this story. Plus, picking up the grocery tab for the person in front of you, who’s having a hard time paying, is another great way of impacting your world. You’ve got to hear Marilyn’s story. And, an officer served someone in a pretty sweet way. All of that is on today’s podcast. So, give it a listen. And if you like what you hear, please share it with someone today. You could also subscribe to the podcast for free on Apple Podcast, here:
https://podcasts.apple.com/ua/podcast/lifeline-morning-show-podcast/id1422855283 or Google Podcast, here:
https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly84ODVqZm0uY29tL2ZlZWQ Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here:  https://streamdb8web.securenetsystems.net/cirruscontent/WJIA

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