September 19, 2024

And, The Big Winner Is…

Who’s going to win all the gift cards? Friday, we had a pay it forward train rolling when we stopped the Car-Line Competition, leaving somebody today with the chance to win a whole bunch of gift cards. Guess what, that train rolled a little more. But, there was a winner! You’ve got to hear her response! Plus, how do you hit the target if you never aim at it? That revelation coming from one of our world’s most respected thinkers. We’ll talk about it. And, there’s more on today’s episode. So, give it a listen and see what you think. And, if you’d like to reach out for any reason, please go to Facebook, search 88.5 JFM and send me a message. I would love to hear from you! If you like what you hear today, you can subscribe to the podcast for free on Apple Podcast, here: or Google Podcast, here: Or, you could listen live, weekdays 6am-10am Central, here:

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