Are there some things you aren’t thankful for in your life? Of course! We all have them. And that’s okay, because the Bible doesn’t command us to be thankful for all things, but rather in all things. Kelly K. brings this home on today’s episode. Plus, what if you are raising a bully? That’s a question we never want to have to ask ourselves, but it’s an important one to consider. Kelsey Straeter shares her experience with this one with us today. And, it’s so important to reach out to those people who have shaped you into who you are today. Dan Povenmire (creator of Phineas & Ferb & Hamster & Gretel) has a story to share about that that will touch your heart. And there’s so much more all wrapped up in today’s show. So, click play and hear it for yourself. If you like it, would you please subscribe & share us with a friend? Thank you!
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