November 4, 2024

That’s Not Real Cake!

What is Cake? That has become an existential question now, since I’ve seen what looks like cake, but isn’t really cake. Have you noticed the trend across social media that asks you if you think if an object is made of cake? There are some really talented bakers out there. But, this cake I’m talking about isn’t sweet. I’ll tell you what it is, how to make it, and a listener even calls in with a bonus cake that fits right in. You’re going to laugh. Plus, helicopter parenting can be a real problem. Hear about that from the perspective of a former Stanford Dean on today’s episode. And, one smart listener calls in to win gift cards, and shares the struggle her family is going through. It gives us a chance to pray for her and her family. Press play and hear it all. And if you like it, please subscribe & share us with a friend. Thanks!

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