May 10, 2024

Is It Rowly Bowly or Humpty Dumpty? Yes!

It’s a long-time nursery rhyme that we all assume tells about the plight of an egg man. But, why do we think he was an egg? I’ll explain. This will definitley be a great topic to bring up for conversation with the kids in you […]

The Least Of These

Let’s talk about those people that we kinda take for granted, that we overlook – like the minor, minor characters in the story of your life. How much value do they bring to your life? After pondering that for a while I think you’ll come […]

Generations & Late Night Cleanups

We’ve established that parenting is tough, sometimes. That being said, there is a positive side to it – it makes you stronger, mom & dad. We’re going to get a little help explaining just how strong with the comedy of Tom Papa. And, why do […]

Parenting is Tough

Shelby has a story for us about her friends and their 13 year old son who just wasn’t doing good at all in school. The parents thought the son didn’t care. But, it’s what the son thought about the parents that was the root of […]

What A Twist!

She just wanted to sell her, “stupid table,” because it reminded her of her ex. Little did she know the community that would end up rallying around her and her cat, Feliz. You’ve got to hear the story. Plus, Harry & Amy just wanted their […]

Gracia Olivas

Today, we’re finding ways to be thankful & thoughtful. So I wonder, what are you thankful for today? Email me at or shoot me a DM on any of our station socials, here: We’ll hear from a few of our radio listeners & […]

Rosy Retrospection

Do you have good memories from your childhood that somehow now feel happier than they actually were? It’s a normal phenomenon & we’re talking about it today. So, what is one of those memories for you? Type it up or record yourself sharing it into […]

Being Understood

It’s sometimes a struggle to get someone to understand you. And, we put a lot of time and resources into it. But, is it worth it? That’s something Rob Dial is going to help us with today. Plus, as a leader, seeking to understand what […]

Pocket Prayers & Book Characters

Today, we’re talking about the “pocket prayer,” as explained by Gracia Olivas. It’s a great way to help strengthen your child’s faith & prayer life. Plus, books transport you to another time & place. Whether fiction or nonfiction, they can inspire & distract us. So, […]

Who Has The Time?

Life is crazy busy. There are bills, the job, school, sports, church, and so much more that take up your time. But, what about getting a little time to yourself to maybe maintain those friendships you have? That’s important. Meg helps us process through that. […]

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