October 6, 2024

On The Loose!

Scout would have no part of the animal shelter. This pup broke out 3 times. And everytime, he’d go to the same place. You’ve got to hear this story & how it’s come full-circle. It will warm your heart. Plus, millions of them were on […]

From Cockpit to Confidence: Changing Lives at 30,000 Feet

In this heartwarming episode, discover the inspiring story of a First Officer from American Airlines who touched a young girl’s life in an extraordinary way. Join us as we delve into the touching details of his gesture that made all the difference. But that’s not […]

A Gentle Nudge

The smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference. He followed a little nudge & really made a difference. You’ve got to hear Calvin & Denise’s story! Plus, the dog really ate it this time. It wasn’t homework, but it was something even more […]

Mistakes & All

It’s part of the human experience, and yet we think it excludes us from being useful. Jesus has a better idea. He loves you despite every flaw, failure, and shortcoming, and He calls you anyway. Brian Trent digs a little deeper into that topic today. […]

When To Let Go

It’s tough, because you want to protect them from any harm. But, they’re growing up, becoming more independent, coming into their own, and we have to learn to let go in little ways. Laura Onstot shares her experience with us about that when it came […]

Be Thankful For All Things?

Are there some things you aren’t thankful for in your life? Of course! We all have them. And that’s okay, because the Bible doesn’t command us to be thankful for all things, but rather in all things. Kelly K. brings this home on today’s episode. […]

That’s Not Real Cake!

What is Cake? That has become an existential question now, since I’ve seen what looks like cake, but isn’t really cake. Have you noticed the trend across social media that asks you if you think if an object is made of cake? There are some […]

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