May 3, 2024

Good (Mom) Friends

Making friends is so hard as an adult, right? It’s not like back when we were in school. Life is complicated. There are places to go and things to do. But, you still need a friend. So, what are the characteristics and traits of a […]

This is Real Life

So many times when you look at a magazine or Instagram feed, you see a perfectly appointed, meticulously manicured photo. It’s all smiles & clean, and mess free. But, that ain’t life! Life is messy, houses are lived in, and fashion can take a backseat […]

Why is Parenting So Hard?

Is being a parent a lot harder than you thought it would be? You’re not the only person who thinks that. Today, we hear from Kate Rhaman on why that is. Plus, getting older is a trip, right? Wrinkles, sagging, aches and pains are kind […]

Inflation, Shrink, & Surge Pricing

Today, special guest Matt Arnold joins us to talk all things economic. He’s unpacking some popular terms you’ve heard thrown around in the media lately & fills us in on big happenings in our community. If you have any questions for him, please email them […]

To Be A Kid Again

Today, we’re taking a stroll down memory lane – from the playground to thoughts that you haven’t considered in years. You’ll have a blast! Plus, how has God used your past to fuel your future? Hear an amazing story about how that’s happened for Oliver […]

The Battle Between The Ears

Sometimes the biggest war is the one we wage in our minds. JP reminds us of that today, and Simon Sinek helps us get through imposter syndrome & remember that we shouldn’t take everything personally. Plus, kids & food – it’s kinda hit or miss, […]

Is It Rowly Bowly or Humpty Dumpty? Yes!

It’s a long-time nursery rhyme that we all assume tells about the plight of an egg man. But, why do we think he was an egg? I’ll explain. This will definitley be a great topic to bring up for conversation with the kids in you […]

The Least Of These

Let’s talk about those people that we kinda take for granted, that we overlook – like the minor, minor characters in the story of your life. How much value do they bring to your life? After pondering that for a while I think you’ll come […]

Generations & Late Night Cleanups

We’ve established that parenting is tough, sometimes. That being said, there is a positive side to it – it makes you stronger, mom & dad. We’re going to get a little help explaining just how strong with the comedy of Tom Papa. And, why do […]

Parenting is Tough

Shelby has a story for us about her friends and their 13 year old son who just wasn’t doing good at all in school. The parents thought the son didn’t care. But, it’s what the son thought about the parents that was the root of […]

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